Homeland Security:
Current National Security Level : Elevated (Yellow)
The world has changed since September 11, 2001. We remain a nation at risk to terrorist attacks and will remain at risk
for the foreseeable future. At all Threat Conditions, we must remain vigilant, prepared, and ready to deter terrorist attacks.
The following Threat Conditions eack represent an increasing risk of terrorist attacks. Beneath each Threat Condition
are some suggested Protective Measures, recognizing that the heads of Federal departments and agencies are responsible for
developing and implementing appropriate agency-specific Protective Measure.
1. Low Condition (Green) - This condition is declared when there is a low risk of terrorist attacks.
2. Guarded Condition (Blue) - This condition is declared whn ther is a general risk or terrorist attacks.
3. Elevated Condition (Yellow) - An Elevated Condition is declared when there is a significant risk
of terrorist attacks.
4. High Condition (Orange) - A Hight condition is declared when there is a high risk of terrorist attacks.
5. Severe Condition (Red) - A Servere Condition reflects a severe risk of terrorist attacks.
West Nile Virus (WNV):
While most mosquitoes are merely a nuisance, some can transmit serious diseases such as encephalitis, malaria, and most
recently, the West Nile Virus in humans and horses, also heartwork disease in dogs. In an effort to prevent the potential
for mosquito-borne diseases JCHD is seeking assistance from the residents of Jefferson County by helping eliminate the places
where mosquitos may breed in their yards and by protecting themselves.
To eliminate Where mosquitoes breed:
- Remove or empty water in old tires, tin cans, buckets, drums, bottles or other places wher mosquitoes might breed. Be
sure to check clogged gutters and flat roofs that may have poor drainage. Make sure cisterns, cesspools, septic tanks, fire
barrels, rain barrels and trash containers are covered tightly with a lid or 16 mesh screen.
- Emply plastic wading pools at least once a week and store indoors when not in use. Unused swimming pools should be covered
or drained during the mosquito season.
- Change the water in bird baths and plant pots or drip trays at least once a week.
- Store boats covered or upside down, or remove rainwater weekly.
- Emply your pets water bowl daily.
- Level the ground around your home so water can run off and not collect in low spots. Fill in holes that allow water accumulation.
- Fill in tree rot holes and hollow stumps that collect water.
- Keep weeds and tall grass cut short.
- Use a flyswatter of houshold spray to kill mosquitoes or other insect that get into buildings.
To Protect themselves from mosquito bites, individuals should:
- Avoid places and times when mosquitoes bite. Generally the peak biting periods occur just before and after sunset and
again just before dawn. Tree-hole and Asian tiger mosquitoes, for example, feed during daylight hours in or near shaded or
wooded areas.
- Be sure door and window screens are tight-fitting and in good repair.
- Wear protective clothing. Long-sleeved tops and long pants made of tightly woven materials. Be sure your clothing is light
colored. Keep trouser legs tucked into boots and socks.
- Use mosquito netting when sleeping outdoors or in an unscreened structure and to protect small babies at all times.
- Check to see that your mosquito repelland contains DEET, a chemical commonly found in these products. Generally, repellants
with about 30% DEET work best for adults; use lowre concentrations for children (you can find recommendations at www.cdc.gov ). When outdoors, apply repellant sparingly to exposed skin or clothing, as indicated on the products lable.
(Excerpt for Illinois Department of Public Health's Health Beat publication)
If you have any questions regarding mosquitoes and/or the control of mosquitoes please contact the Jefferson County Health
Department at 244-7134.