What WIC Offers
WIC gives you FREE, healthy foods such as milk, eggs, cheese, juice, cereal, peanut butter, dry beans or peas and iron-fortified
infant formula. The WIC Program provides foods that contain nutrients you and your child need to stay healthy.
The nutrients they supply are:

Vitamin A -- for growth and good vision -- to protect you from infection B Vitamins -- for energy Vitamin
C -- to help protect you from infection Vitamin D -- to help your body use calcium Calcium -- for stronger
bones and teeth -- to keep your nervous system healthy Protein -- for growth and maintaining body tissues Iron
-- for strengthening you blood -- to keep you from feeling tired.
WIC gives you a FREE health screening, including: *height and weight measurements *blood iron test (hemoglobin)
*health history and diet assessment. WIC gives you FREE information on: *physicians and other health care
providers *food stamps *shelter and fuel assistance *Head Start Program *mental health programs *drug
and alchol abuse programs *smoking cessation programs *and others. WIC gives you FREE nutritional/diet counseling,
including information on: *recipes and meal planning tips *feeding tips for infants and toddlers *smart shopping
tips *breastfeeding.
Breastfeeing is Best
If you are a new mom, your WIC agency will encourage you to breastfeed. Breastmilk protects your baby against many allergies
and illnesses. Breastfeeding saves time and money. But if you want a supplement or choose not to breastfeed, infant formula
is available to you. As your baby gets older, WIC provides infant cereal and fruit juice to support your baby's
rapid growth and development.

For women who must return to work or school, or be separated from their infant, WIC provides electric breastpumps. If an
electric breastpump is not available at the WIC office, WIC has community resources to which the breastfeeding mother may
be referred. Breastfeeding mothers can remain on the WIC program for one year after the birth of their infant.
They also receive a larger food package when they are breastfeeding. Breastfeeding mothers are encouraged to
call the WIC office anytime with questions regarding breastfeeding.
For July 2001 - June 2002 income guidelines click here.
For more information on WIC, click the "WIC Works Resource System" picture below.

For more information on Breasfeeding check out our links page, or click here to go to www.breasfeeding.com
To find out about the local WIC agency nearest you, call: 1-800-323-GROW or Jefferson County Health Department
at (618) 244-7134.