The A.P.O.R.S. program offers follow-up services for infants that may have received specialized care in the hospital at birth
and are discharged home. First contact is made within 7 days after discharge from the hospital. Registered Nurses make post-discharge
visits at 2, 4, and 6 months and at 6 month intervals until the infant reaches 2 years of age. Visits are also made when
the infants condition or the needs of the family warrant.

Our objectives are to: 1. Support parents in obtaining the needed resources to assure optimal development of their
high risk infant. 2. Encourage primary health care of infant at recommended intervals. 3. Assess physical,
developmental, social, cognitive and emotional development of infant to promote early identification of need for further evaluation
and/or treatment. 4. Facilitate referral to appropriate community services. 5. Guide parents during their
infants' newborn period and to help them gain confidence, satisfaction and competence in nurturing and promoting the physical,
emotional, cognitive and social health of their infant. There is no charge for this service.