"Protect Health, Prevent Illness, and Promote Wellness"
Board of Health Members:

The State of Illinois guidelines for Board of Health members require eleven members who reside in the county. The board must
consist of two doctors, a dentist, and eight other members of the community who are interested in the community. The members
of the board are appointed by the County Board.
The members of the Jefferson County Health Department's Board of Health are:
Duane Davis, D.M.D. Rick Black,
JCHD Vice-Chairman
Francis Bravard Richard Garretson, M.D., JCHD Advising Physician
Nancy Kertz, NP, JCHD Secretary/Treasurer Joe Holt, PhD John Kendrick Sara Modert, D.O. Lendell Panzier
Rick Shurtz, County Board Representative, JCHD Chairman Linda Upchurch, PhD
Jefferson County Health Department's Administrator:
Mark Stevens, B.S., M.P.A., Administrator
To learn more about Mark and his thoughts about the department, click on the "Mark's Page" link below.