The ultimate goal of Jefferson County Health Department's environmental health staff is the prevention of occurrences
of infectious diseases within Jefferson County. In order to protect the citizens of Jefferson County from contracting and
transmitting infectious diseases the environmental health division performs a comprehensive food protection program and several
environmental programs.
The environmental health division consists of four staff members that work closely together to provide the best services
possible. The Director of Environmental Health is a Licensed Environmental Health Practitioner and is responsible for the
overall direction of the environmental health program. The Sanitarian performs professional field and office work. The Solid
Waste Coordinator implements the Jefferson County solid waste disposal plan. The Environmental Health Secretary provides valuable
support to all other environmental health staff by maintaining files and records.
The environmental health division
understands that education of the public is just as important in the prevention of infectious disease as is the enforcement
of rules and regulations. The staff is committed to the dissemination of public information and fostering improved community
and environmental health.
Thank You! Gary Ashby, B.S., L.E.H.P. Director of Environmental Health

Listed are the current services offered by the Environmental Health Division at Jefferson County Health Department. Click
on a service to learn more about what this division does.
Food Safety
Potable Water
Private Sewage
Solid Waste
Vector Control