The Foreign Travel Program provides immunization recommendations, disease risk information, general information and health
precautions about the area or country the individual is traveling to. Informative educational packets are designed to provide
prevention tips about infections and diseases present in that area or country.
JCHD is a designated Yellow Fever Immunization
Center by the state of Illinois and Centers For Disease Control.
The purpose of the travel program is to provide information,
in conjunction with the client's primary health care provider, regarding the potential health risks associated with travel
and to inform the client of the recommended and/or required immunizations for each area.
The Foreign Travel Program
visit is by appointment only, and fees per vaccine are requested. PLEASE CALL IN ADVANCE AS PRICING AND AVAILABILITY
IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Vaccines currently offered and current pricing include the following:
Hepatitis A ..... $38.00
Typhoid ..... $65.00
Menomune ..... $107.00
Yellow Fever ..... $85.00
Lymerix ..... $68.00
Japanese Encephalitis .....$99.00
Rabies I.D. ..... $93.00
Rabies Vaccine
..... $142.00
Rabies HT 2ml ..... $144.00
Twinrix (Hep A & B) Adults Only ..... $56.00
..... Not available
Cholera ..... Not available
Please note these prices reflect charges for Jefferson County Residents ONLY, out of county residence charges are plus $20.00
of listed pricings.
Informations regarding routine vaccinations may be accessed by clicking the link below, or selecting "Immunizations"
from the side scroll bar.
For more information on travelers' immunizations, click on the link below to go directly to the CDC's Traveler's Health page.
CDC'S Travelers' Health Page
If you would like more information, have questions, or need to schedule an appointment, please call us at (618)244-7134.