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Following our mission to prevent illness, the Immunization Program offers vaccines to those within and outside of our county. Vaccines are provided through the "Vaccines For Children Program", to those 18 years of age and younger; Td and MMR are available to adults throught this same program.

A current IDPA medical card, proof of low income (Jefferson County residents only), or payment is expected at the time of service. IMMUNIZATION RECORDS MUST BE PRESENTED AT ALL CLINIC VISITS, failure to present an immunization record could result in a delay of services.

For most routine vaccines provided through the VFC Program to those 18 years of age and younger there is a $13.00 administration fee per vaccine; those residing outside of Jefferson County the administration fee is $26.00 per immunization.

Why get vaccinated?

To protect yourself or your children from diseases that can cause sickness, disability, and in extreme cases death. Immunizations are the best for prevention of these diseases. Note the immunization schedule for the recommeded vaccines and time frames required and/or recommended.


For more information on any of the recommended childhood immunizations, click on the selected immunization name to go to the CDC's VIS page. Or click on the Illinois Immunization Program icon to go to the State of Illinois immunization page.

Diptheria, Tetanus, & Pertussis (DTaP)

Polio (IPV)

Measles, Mumps, & Rubella (MMR)

Varivax (Chickenpox)


Haemophilus Influenzae Type b (Hib)

Hepatitis B (HBV)

Tetanus & Diptheria (Td)
